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February: A Look Back on a Month Full of Heart

Brittney Blane

If your a blogger than you know, one of the most beautiful and rewarding things about sharing your experiences, life, and passions in your very own little corner of the world wide web is that you're not just creating content for others, but you're also writing your own story, recording your personal journey, and curating a unique keepsake of bits of your life.

I am so grateful that this blog has quickly become a place where I can capture moments and memories, a time capsule of where I've been, who I've been, and hopefully of who I will become during the rest of my little journey around the sun.

I'll be the first to admit, over the years, I haven't been diligent or even close to consistent here. I have my reasons and excuses, but I won't get into those things today. Today I want to take action, and change my habitually inconsistent ways. I want to hold myself more accountable. I want to look back on 2019, and see a year I am proud of; and I want to be able to log on to, and be able to remember the moments (and yes, the outfits) that shaped another year of my life.

A little Side note: I know that the above few paragraphs had really nothing to do with the blog topic for today, but I felt the need to share what's been on my mind. So, if you're still reading, thank you for allowing me do that first.

All that being said...Today I am excited to take a little time and reflect back on the month of love letters, candy, hearts, and lots of red and pink.

My February Social media Faves:

Dates, Roses, and lots of red is how my month looked through my Instagram pictures. I love getting dressed up for date night, so Valentine's Day is one of my personal favorite holidays. I felt inspired this year to share a few of my favorite seasonal looks and flirty little dress ideas on Insta. I also have to say, I really loved scrolling through and seeing all the red and pink inspired pictures that cluttered my social media feed this month.

Love Letters

In an effort to slow down and enjoy the daily moments in life that seem to perpetually escape us while we're distracted with to-do lists and monotonous obligations (a.k.a adulting) this year, I made a personal resolutions to enjoy each and every month and season more consciously and purposefully. So I embraced the month of February for all its pink, red, and heart-shaped glory by doing little things that signified the season.

So what was the first thing on my Seasonal living list for February? Sending a little love of course. In the digital age snail mail has become such a significant gesture of thoughtfulness, and I am here for it. I found the cutest valentines cards at HomeGoods and mailed a little love letter to all my galentines this year.

Charity with the woman I love most.

My Mom and I at the Annual Go Red for Women Luncheon in San Antonio, TX

My mom and I had the pleasure of attending the American Heart Association of San Antonio's 2019 Go Red for Women Luncheon. This is my second year to attend in this city, and I must say they always do a great job. Raising awareness about heart health and heart disease prevention is something we are both very passionate about, so it is always a privilege to get to give back a little in the name of health and wellness

I am still so in love with the dress I chose to wear. It's by ASTR, which is one of my favorite affordable dress brands. Here are a few more pictures of my ensemble details from that day.


I nailed it this month.

Valentine's Mani

I also have to say that this month, my nail design was one of my absolute favorites of all time! I always go a little seasonal with my nails, and so of course it HAD to be all about the pink and red for February.

This Year's Valentine's Dinner was a Winner

The best Little Red Dress for date night

On Valentine's Day this month, Travis and I enjoyed a lovely 5 course dinner at our Country Club. They had a pianist play some of my absolute favorite classic love songs (frank Sinatra, Etta James, and even some Nora Jones.) It was such a perfect evening with my man. A little romantic brake from the hustle and bustle of real life that I think we both needed.

Roses are Red

Fresh flowers are a must in my house, and I'm sure it's no surprise that the blooms I chose this February were red roses.

So, how was your February? Do you celebrate Valentine's Day? Do you embrace the vibes of the season like I do? Let me know in the comments on this post.

Thank you so much for taking the time today to stop by my blog and following along. I hope you enjoyed this little light-hearted post.

Talk to you soon.

- Brit


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