Wake up time: 6:30 am
My usual week day wake up time is 6:30am sometimes I move it to 7am if I've had a long night prior, but I'm proud to say I've finally trained myself to get up around 6:30 and I'm proud of that because it makes me feel like an actual grown up so "go me!"
Anyway, I use the bedtime app under the clock on my iPhone with the wake up sound set to "sunny" it's my favorite tone. Its gradual and really calming.
Before I'm Even Out of the Bed, I Turn on Some Music to Get the Day Going.
Right after the alarm goes off (and I've snoozed for5 minutes, )I turn on one of my Morning Spotify Playlists every single day. My chose varies depending on my mood, but I usually rotate between 3.
this one is my favorite instrumental playlist. Sometimes, if I have a long to do list and I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed, I'll leave this one on all day.
Spotify Playlist: Wake Up Gently
Spotify Playlist: AM Chill Vibes
Spotify Playlist: Summer Mornings
If you don't want to read all the AM deets, you can always watch my Summer Morning Routine on my new Youtube Channel too!
First Things First. I Make the Bed.
If I accomplish one thing everyday...it is making the bed. There's a reason everyone on the world wide web that talks about their A.M. routines stresses the importance of making the bed each day, because it really is that important. I know that the house feels cleaner, I feel more productive, and my mind is clearer when I have a made bed during the day. So, before I can even think about anything else, I make the bed. I've done it first thing forever now, so its just become a habit for me.
Morning Hygiene
Once the bed is ready for the day, I make my way to the bathroom for a quick refresh.
I like to keep it simple, so my usual morning bathroom routine is nothing too fancy. I wash my face with my favorite Tea Tree Cleanser, and then follow it with the Tea Tree Toner. While I am waiting for my toner to soak into my skin, I brush my teeth. Once my toner is dry I apply Neutrogena's Oil-Free Acne Moisturizer. Unfortunately, I struggle with adult acne; however, these 3 products help me keep it at bay daily...so I'm grateful for them.
Coffee Time
Now I am ready to head downstairs because the day cannot officially begin -- and I cannot property function -- without my first cup of coffee.
I always make a French press in the morning. It's just a habit I got into after fighting with more than one instant coffee maker. Long story short, last year, in an effort to find morning coffee making peace, I bought a French press off of amazon, youtube searched how to use it, and boom...I was hooked.
I also take my coffee the same every day, and I do think it's a bit unique so I figured I'd share the deets on my 1st cup of java for the day. I start by putting in all the things I add to my actual coffee in the mug first. I add 1 packet of stevia sweater (usually truvia) then a sprinkle of cinnamon. I also spray my vegan vitamin D3 Spray in as well. It's just an easy way to ensure I am taking it, plus it's vanilla flavored so it tastes pretty yummy too. Once the coffee is ready I pour it in, stir and enjoy.
Quite Time
I like to take a moment to myself each morning to collect my thoughts and set the tone for the day. I find that when I don't do this, I'm less organized and less eager to tackle the daily tasks ahead.
I will take my coffee up to my office or bedroom where I will sit in my comfy chair and journal and read a bit.
Once my journaling is done, I always check my planner. Even if I don't work in the office for the day, I still make it a point to check my planner and to do list. It keeps me on track and focused. Plus I have found that I am wayyy more productive when I look at it first thing as opposed to randomly throughout the day.
Teeth brushing Take Two
Some might think it's weird, but after I've finished my first cup of coffee in the morning, I usually do another quick brush of my teeth. Since I drink my coffee black, I like to give them a little rinse after. Anyone else do the same? Let me know in the comments below.
Get Dressed & Take to the Streets
In the spring and summer months I like to take advantage of the nice weather in the A.M. hours before it gets too hot out because, well, Texas. So I usually put on a cute workout outfit, and go for a little stroll around the neighborhood.
To Workout Or Not to Workout? That is the Question.
Once I'm back from my walk I with either do a quick little at-home workout or change into something else depending on the day.
I had a pretty heavy to-do list Today, so I just went straight to getting ready.
Hair, makeUp, & OOTD
I wear my hair one of 3 ways straight and down, wavy and down or in a bun, all of which take me 10 minutes or less.
My makeup routine these days has been minimal and I've been loving it. I posted my daily makeup routine last week here on the blog if you'd like to check it.
The outfit varies, but here is today's Summer inspired OOTD. How cute is this top?!

I am now officially ready to start my day.
Thanks for spending the morning with me here on the blog. I hope you enjoyed this little glimpse into my daily life.
Do you have a morning routine you follow each day? What are the things you MUST DO in the morning to ensure a joyful and productive day?? Let me know in the comments below or message me on social media, I'd love to chat!
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